We place utmost importance to engaging ethically and transparently with all our stakeholders and believe in being accountable for our actions to maintain the highest standards of professionalism and additionally, comply with international policy and procedures.
We lay great emphasis on human rights, respecting the principle of free, prior, informed consent. Our engagement with our stakeholders gives local communities the opportunity to voice their opinion and concerns.
Our primary focus is delivering value of the highest standard to our stakeholders. We are constantly motivated on improving cost and our quality of production in each of our businesses through a culture of best practice benchmarking.
As we continue to grow, we are committed to the triple bottom line of People, Planet and Prosperity to create a sustainable future in a zero-harm environment for our communities.
We inculcate a conducive environment for innovation that leads to a zero-harm environment, exemplifying optimal utilisation of our natural resources, improved efficiencies, and recoveries of by-products.
We actively foster a culture of mutual trust in our interaction with our stakeholders and encourage an open dialogue, which ensures mutual respect.
At Vedanta, our people are our most important assets. We actively encourage their development and support them in pursuing their goals.
© Bharat Aluminium Company Limited - Annual Report 2021-22