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Health, Water & Sanitation


The project is a comprehensive health initiative providing quality Primary health care services, both preventive and curative through Rural Health Posts, Maternal & Child Health with special focus on reduction of malnourishment & anemia, awareness campaigns on HIV, TB and De-addiction. Our comprehensive health programs aim to provide accessible healthcare and improve the overall health status of rural communities. During the year, program reached out to over 49,000 people through curative and preventive healthcare services.

Our three Rural Health Posts offer essential OPD services, treatment, and general testing to the neighbouring communities, benefitting over 5000 people. Additionally, in collaboration with the District Health Department under the Mukhya Mantri Haat Bazar Swasthya Yojana, we have organized health camps in remote villages, providing accessible healthcare services to over 3500 beneficiaries.

Maternal and Child Health, our efforts to reduce malnourishment among children include identifying and intervening in cases of malnutrition. We have provided targeted interventions, including Positive Deviance (PD) hearth sessions and referrals to Nutritional Rehabilitation Centres (NRCs). Additionally, we have trained mothers on nutritious recipes from Take Home Ration (THR) and developed nutrition gardens at Anganwadi centres and in households for an overall impact. In FY’24 over 3000 mothers learned caregiving practices and addressed over 900 identified malnourished children through our varied interventions. As a result, a significant number of children have moved out of the malnourished category.

Anaemia Reduction, addressing anaemia in pregnant and lactating mothers is a critical component of our health initiatives. Through anaemia screenings and focused reduction camps, we educated 1148 mothers on iron-rich diets and the importance of IFA consumption. Follow-up home visits ensure sustained improvements, leading to healthier pregnancies and births. Our ‘Nava Pahuna Goth’ initiative also provides family counselling for newly married couples, emphasizing family planning and pre-pregnancy care.

HIV and TB Awareness, we have undertaken extensive awareness campaigns for HIV and TB. Our HIV awareness activities includes canopy camps, counselling sessions, and mass awareness campaigns, training youth as changemakers to promote peer-based learnings. During the year through our varied activities, we generated awareness to over 26000 people across communities. For TB awareness, we have capacitated frontline workers from local health bodies to educate the community on TB identification and treatment, further raising awareness to over 600 community members. Through the Nikshay Mitra initiative, we supported the diet of TB patients across 56 neighboring villages, significantly aiding their recovery.

Deaddiction Efforts, our deaddiction camps have sensitized over 1000 youth in schools and communities about the dangers of drug addiction. We have formed 8 action groups comprising local health bodies and self-help groups to work towards building addiction-free communities.

For Sustained health outcomes revived & capacitated, local health bodies like Mahila Arogya Samiti & Village Health, Sanitation & Nutrition Committee covering over 600 PRI members & local health workers.

The project is currently being run in partnership with Social Revival Group of Urban Rural and Tribal (SROUT).

Mobile Health Van

The Mobile Health Van (MHV) is providing Healthcare at the doorstep of the ailing. The MHV is serving our nearby communities through fortnightly visits, camps and specialized consultation services addressing the problems of no availability, low accessibility & inability to afford basic essential primary health care services.

During FY’24, more than 15,599 people availed health care services through fortnightly visits, specialized services, and Multispecialty health camps. This year, we also launched an additional Mobile health van, significantly expanding our total outreach to over 70 villages.

To bring specialized care to communities, we organized 8 Multispecialty Mega health camps (Orthopedics, Dental, ENT, Pediatrics, Gynecologist, Physiotherapist, Blood & Sugar etc.) and also held Awareness camps for sensitizing people on Cancer, Vaccination and other matters of health and hygiene.

For elderly & specially abled, initiated Assistive Devices distribution drive basis need identification, in the first phase 34 people were aided with devices viz. Walking stick, Tripod, crutches, walkers & wheelchairs enhancing mobility, leading to an improved quality of life.

As a first step towards community Mental Well-being, organized Mental Health Awareness training for capacitating community-based volunteers on identification of mental health issues.

The Program is being run in partnership with HelpAge India.

Nayi Kiran (Menstrual Health Management)

Menstrual Health is one of the most stigmatised topics in our society that needs to be addressed for improving the overall health and empowerment of women. Project Nayi Kiran aims to demystify myths and taboos surrounding Menstruation, developing sustainable hygiene practices during menstruation, and raising awareness about product choices through capacity building on Menstrual Health Management (MHM) and promoting MHM friendly environment in institutions to ensure safe reproductive health.

During FY’24, project sensitized over 57,000 women, men, adolescent Girls & Boys through awareness generation and capacity building activities and have strengthened its roots across all the 5 blocks of Korba district.

MHM at Schools – Towards promoting MHM Friendly environment at schools, conducted sessions on MHM 60 Govt middle, secondary & Higher secondary schools of Korba District sensitizing over 14,000 Adolescents. Capacitated over 70 Teachers across district as ‘MHM Sathis’ for enabling supportive environment at schools.

Promoting inclusivity – As a step towards inclusivity, we also conducted the Special needs MHM sessions & Workshops with over 90 specially abled Adolescents & caregivers and developed Specialized modules (Braille & Terracotta) for Sessions with Specially-Abled​​ for sustained learning outcomes. Also conducted first ever Reusable cloth pad stitching workshop with specially abled for providing safe menstrual health management alternatives, reducing dependency, and fostering inclusivity.

Promoting Sustainable Solutions- To ensure the availability of sustainable and affordable menstrual hygiene solutions, created awareness on informed choices & sustainable solutions like Reusable cloth pads, for providing safe, accessible, affordable & environment friendly menstrual health management alternatives to rural & tribal communities towards a sustained adoption of hygienic practice and ending the challenges of period poverty. ‘Stitch My own Pad Campaign’ capacitated over 3000 women, adolescent girls, teachers & health workers on stitching & hygienic use of Reusable cloth pads. Also involving ‘Men in Menstruation’ by training over 1300 boys for an inclusive & supportive enabling environment.

Cleanliness & Sanitation – To foster community ownership on Community Cleanliness & Sanitation along with Menstrual health & hygiene for an overall healthy environment. Sensitized and Conducted Cleanliness Drives (Safai Mahotsav) with Municipal Corporation Department ensuring sustainable waste management and fostering community ownership towards clean neighborhoods. Over 3000 adolescent girls, boys, and women, along with the presence of the village residents, Panchayat members, Teachers, cleaning staff members and the Sarpanch/Parshad, actively participated in the drives.

Sustaining Change at Grassroots, to bring about sustained behavioural change, we capacitated over 200 Frontline workers (Anganwadi workers & ASHA) across the district as Master trainers- Torchbearers cum leaders of change in the community. These frontline workers have further sensitized 2000+ adolescent girls & women, fostering the change at grassroot levels.

The project is currently being run in partnership with Sarthak Jan Vikas Sansthan (SJVS).


BALCO Medical Centre (BMC)

BALCO Medical Centre (BMC), a 170-bed state-of-the-art tertiary care Oncology facility in Naya Raipur is the first flagship initiative of Vedanta Medical Research Foundation (VMRF). Currently, it is fast emerging as a national leader in India’s oncology space and is recognized as a referral centre for advanced radiation therapy, brachytherapy, nuclear medicine,surgeries, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, blood-related disorders, plastic & reconstructive surgery, and pain & palliative care. BMC also emphasizes on psychological, nutritional, and physical therapy, along with patient support groups for emotional well-being.

Though the hospital is situated in Naya Raipur, Chhattisgarh, it is rapidly becoming a centre of choice for cancer treatment for people from Odisha, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, and parts of Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh. During FY’24 11,375 people availed healthcare services from the hospital.

BALCO Medical Centre has opened a new, state-of-the-art Daycare Chemotherapy Centre in the heart of Raipur city, reducing patient waiting times by bringing treatment closer to their homes. The hospital has also launched a Mobile Cancer Detection Van to provide accessible cancer screening and promote early detection for better outcomes. Additionally, the centre serves remote areas with health screenings, medical camps, health talks, diagnostic services, and government partnerships to ensure quality healthcare for all.

  • Expanded Bone Marrow Transplant Unit to 5 Beds: Standardized care unit ensuring complete patient safety with quality control standards.
  • Endoscopy Suite inaugurated to ensure care under one roof by undergoing diagnostic procedures like endoscopy, bronchoscopy, colonoscopy, ERCP etc.
  • Health Camps- BMC organized over 45 Health Camps, providing awareness, consultations, and screenings to over 3800 individuals. Among them, 416 individuals received mammograms, and 265 individuals received PAP smears.
  • Sukh Sarai– Provided shelter for patients & their attendants at Rs25/-per day to avoid travelling & ensuring safety in terms of infection and care, over 27000 people availed the benefits.
  • Daily Distribution of High Protein Diet- During cancer treatment, good nutrition is crucial for faster recovery. BMC served ~5600 portions of high protein diet. (almonds, dates, banana, multi-millet Nutri-bars and threptin biscuits) to all chemotherapy patients.
  • Free Pick-up and Drop from Raipur City– 25-seater Traveler is provided by the hospital for all patients to pick & drop at nearest bus stand, railway station or Sukh Sarai 3 times in a day, over 7800 patients & family members aided.
  • SAMARTH- Samarth is a support group formed to create community and offer support to patients on their cancer journey and spread awareness about breast cancer to promote early diagnosis for better recovery. Sessions are conducted (both offline & online) once every month.